Driveline Repair Services near Bellevue, WA

Vehicle Maintenance & Repair You Can Trust!

At King’s Transmissions, we specialize in Seattle transmission repair and know that your vehicle has other needs that are just as essential to its overall function. Preventative maintenance is one of the best ways to keep your running smoothly and can help you avoid costly repairs down the line. Whether you are looking for simple automotive repairs or need major repairs to your transmission, our dedicated staff is here to assist you.

Our knowledgeable mechanics can provide maintenance and repair to the following automotive components:

  • Clutches: All automatic and manual transmission vehicles have clutches, and our skilled mechanics will ensure that your vehicle shifts smoothly and evenly.
  • Differentials: The differential directs power to the wheels and functions with the transmission to properly moderate gear rotation. Our differential repair services will guarantee a smooth drive.
  • Drivelines: Our Seattle mechanics provide maintenance and repair for your driveline. We will ensure the straightest possible driving experience.
  • Transfer Cases: The power generated by your vehicle’s transmission is sent to the axles, and our transfer case repair will restore your vehicle’s system.
  • Axles: Our axle service is unrivaled. Come see us to make sure your wheels rotate properly!
  • Rear End Seal: A malfunctioning rear end seal can lead to oil leakage and compromised brake function. Our mechanics can repair your rear end seal to make your vehicle as good as new!

To schedule a free estimate at our service center, please call (206) 624-1859 today!

People working at our driveline repair shop near Bellevue, WA

Why Choose Us?

  • Free Estimates
  • Free Local Towing
  • ASTG-Certified Staff
  • State-of-the-Art Facility
  • Over 30 Years of Experience
  • After-Hours Assistance Available
  • We stand behind our work! Choose your warranty!
  • 3 years or 36,000 miles - Call for details
  • 1 year or 12,000 miles
  • As a member in good standing with the ATSG (Automatic Transmission Service Group), our warranty is good nationwide and in Canada.
  • If you break down, no matter where you are, call us and we arrange your repairs in a certified ATSG shop close to where you are.